
Showing posts from March, 2024
March 11th - 16th  The weeks are just flying by in March! We had such a great week together learning, exploring and making connections.  Here is a little snapshot of our week -  Community Walk - we were so very fortunate to have such a beautiful morning yesterday to head out on the land and experience the changes around us. We were very lucky to observe some ducks and geese along the river bank which sparked dialogue into what they were doing, eating and how they maneuver on the ice and water. We also spent time observing natural and manmade shapes in our environment and spent some time critically thinking about some of the purposes for buildings/structures that we viewed as well as analyzing the tree project that is underway on part of the river bank. It was an amazing opportunity to spend time together with our other grade two class learning from the land. Students expressed gratitude for: "time to see nature, to be able to see the ducks close up swimming, being out in ...
March 4 - 8th  Here is a glimpse at our week -  Phys.Ed - this past couple weeks we have been working on skills associated with volleyball, netball and newcomb. We have also been learning the different types of games.  Phonics - This week we continued with morphemes : -ful (full of) helpful  -less (without) helpless Literacy - We spent the week generating ideas for our own stories, brainstorming settings, characters, problems and then as a group spent time writing a shared story. Our next step was for each student to create a story map to outline our own ideas. Then each student spent the time working through the steps of writing a story.  Computer Science - this week we spent time learning all the features of Scratch Jr. This is an app where students can program their own stories design projects and express themselves creatively. We spent time designing our stories on the app.   Buddies - We also spent time generating stories/cartoons with our buddies...
February 26 - March 1st We had an amazing week!  Flames Visit - We were fortunate to have been chosen by the Flames@school program for a exclusive question and answer visit. The two players that came to visit us were Dryden Hunt and AJ Greer along with Olivia their Flames TV host, and other staff. As a group we were able to learn more about the life of a professional athlete, get advice from them about goal setting and nutrition as well as learn insight about the team. This experience was a one of a kind and we were very grateful for the opportunity.  Assembly - the grade one and two sharing celebration was an wonderful way to bring our school community together to showcase what we have been learning around the themes of belonging. Thank you to all who were able to attend.  Our sharing focused on the Seven Sacred Teachings as we have been examining traditional stories. These laws are the foundation for the Indigenous and Inuit way of life. These laws teach us about connec...