February 26 - March 1st

We had an amazing week! 

Flames Visit - We were fortunate to have been chosen by the Flames@school program for a exclusive question and answer visit. The two players that came to visit us were Dryden Hunt and AJ Greer along with Olivia their Flames TV host, and other staff. As a group we were able to learn more about the life of a professional athlete, get advice from them about goal setting and nutrition as well as learn insight about the team. This experience was a one of a kind and we were very grateful for the opportunity. 

Assembly - the grade one and two sharing celebration was an wonderful way to bring our school community together to showcase what we have been learning around the themes of belonging. Thank you to all who were able to attend. 

Our sharing focused on the Seven Sacred Teachings as we have been examining traditional stories. These laws are the foundation for the Indigenous and Inuit way of life. These laws teach us about connection to ourselves, one another and our land and all those that make Mother Earth home. These laws are represented by animals that offer an understanding of how we should live our lives in the spirit of kindness. 

Our class learned about each law, then students chose a value that they wanted to showcase in a piece of multimedia art and written composition. Here is a sample of work on the Seven Sacred Teachings - 

Phonics - this week we continued with suffixes with a focus on -ly which is found in words such as kindly, slowly, softly (meaning like or in the manner of). 

Math - we continued exploring strategies for addition and subtraction of small numbers. This week our main focus was on making tens to build a strong knowledge base of these facts in order to apply this knowledge to other mathematics equations. 



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