March 4 - 8th 

Here is a glimpse at our week - 

Phys.Ed - this past couple weeks we have been working on skills associated with volleyball, netball and newcomb. We have also been learning the different types of games. 

Phonics - This week we continued with morphemes : -ful (full of) helpful  -less (without) helpless

Literacy - We spent the week generating ideas for our own stories, brainstorming settings, characters, problems and then as a group spent time writing a shared story. Our next step was for each student to create a story map to outline our own ideas. Then each student spent the time working through the steps of writing a story. 

Computer Science - this week we spent time learning all the features of Scratch Jr. This is an app where students can program their own stories design projects and express themselves creatively. We spent time designing our stories on the app.  

Buddies - We also spent time generating stories/cartoons with our buddies this week. It was an awesome way to work together with our older friends building on what we have learned about story writing. 

Math - This week we continued working on addition strategies: adding by rearranging. This involves rearranging parts in some addition situations to make it easier to figure out the sum. For example, you might rearrange 7 + 9 into 8 + 8 by moving 1 item from a pile of 9 over to a pile of 7. Many more students remember 8 + 8 than remember 7 + 9. Similarly, you might rearrange 7 + 9 into 6 + 10 since it’s easier to add on to 10 than on to 9.

Here is a copy of a game we played making addition and subtraction equations. It would be a fun one to play at home.


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