February 20-23rd It was a short but busy week - my apologies I did not take many pictures this week! Phonics: This week we continued on word endings focusing on - er (more/less than) and -est (the most/the least) such as high, higher, highest or small, smaller, smallest. Math - this week we continued looking at strategies we use to add/subtract smaller numbers. Below are two of the strategies we engaged in this week - Adding and subtracting 1 or 2: Students count forward or backwards 1 or 2 to figure out the sum or difference when 1 or 2 is added or subtracted. They also figure out the starting number when the end number is given. Doubles and Doubles plus/minus 1: Students engaged in games and experiences with manipulatives to solidify their knowledge of the doubles (1 + 1, 2 + 2, … 9 + 9) and relating other facts to those doubles. For example, knowing that 7 + 7 = 14 and use this knowl...
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February 12-14th Math - We have continued to look at scenarios where students identify whether the operation is addition or subtraction. Students spent time writing addition and subtraction problems and identifying the number equation that goes along with it. We also worked through tasks where students count forwards or backwards 1 or 2 to figure out the sum or difference when 1 0r 2 is added or subtracted. Students also spent time on the below task, Phonics - This week we began on morphemes : word parts that change a words meaning. We centered on the word part suffixes (word endings) - s, -es. We learned that suffixes change nouns to plurals: dog - dogs, box - boxes. Science - Students were challenged to construct an obstacle course showcasing a pathway of light and how light travels. We also learned about different materials that obstruct light's path (transparent, transluscent, opaque). Ask your child to explain how these types...
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February 5-9th A Message from Ms Mandin - Grade 1&2 January was an exciting month in music as the grade 1 and 2 students explored the jazz genre. We listened to and watched a number of jazz performances to help us better recognize examples of musical improvisation and scat singing. The grade 1 and 2 students accompanied jazz songs using percussion instruments and syncopated rhythms. We have been working hard to learn the song “Just be Kind” by Stephanie Leavell for our upcoming friendship assembly. I am truly amazed at how quickly the students have been able to memorize the lyrics! We are looking forward to performing “Just be Kind” in our assembly on February 28th. Science - we are continuing with our focus on energy but have switched to light. We started with a scavenger hunt to identify sources of light within our school where students categorized the sources into natural and artificial light sources. Our next steps were to explore light and how it behaves with ...
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Jan. 29th - Feb. 2nd We made it through the long month of January and are excited about all the new adventures we will have in February! Here is a glimpse at our week - Literacy: We continued our focus on description and using clear details to explain ourselves. This has been a focus in our work that expands through literacy, science and math the past couple of weeks. We used knowledge of providing clear, succinct language with transitions along with our vocabulary bank to help us write "How to" build a snowman. Have your child give you "how to" directions to complete a job and see if their explanations allow you to successfully complete the task. Here is the outline we used - This weeks phonics work centered around the dipthong /ou/ - outside, house /ow/ -owl. Here are the high frequency words we covered - saw left don’t few while along might close something seem Math - this week we centered our work around 2-D shapes in motion. This involves a transformation ...