February 12-14th

Math - We have continued to look at scenarios where students identify whether the operation is addition or subtraction. Students spent time writing addition and subtraction problems and identifying the number equation that goes along with it.  We also worked through tasks where students count forwards or backwards 1 or 2 to figure out the sum or difference when 1 0r 2 is added or subtracted. 

Students also spent time on the below task, 

Phonics - 
This week we began on morphemes : word parts that change a words meaning. We centered on the word part suffixes (word endings) - s, -es. We learned that suffixes change nouns to plurals: dog - dogs, box - boxes. 

Science -
 Students were challenged to construct an obstacle course showcasing a pathway of light and how light travels.

We also learned about different materials that obstruct light's path (transparent, transluscent, opaque). Ask your child to explain how these types of materials affect light.

Valentine's Fun!

Have a wonderful long weekend! Happy Valentines Day & Happy Family Day. See you Tuesday.


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