June 26 -29th Our last week together as a grade 1 family filled our hearts with additional lasting memories! Have a look at our last week - *sorry I was not so good about taking photos this week. Math on the Land - we went out on the land to look at our surroundings through the lens of math. Students documented the land around us with a focus on counting, numbers, patterns, measuring, sizes, shapes and more! 7 Sacred /Grandfather's Teachings - we began our week focusing on these teachings which include love, respect, honesty, courage, truth, wisdom and humilty. These teachings are represented by animals that teach us how to respect every living thing. Students identified the teachings that they hold as most important and ways to demonstrate the teachings in their own life. Then we moved onto the text - Sometimes I feel like a Fox by Danielle Daniel. This book inspired us to look at the characteristics of the animals in the book and students chose animals that they con...
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June 19-23 Here is a look at us walking our way through the last full week of grade 1! National Indigenous People's Day & Summer Solstice This was an amazing day of celebration and reflection. We started the day with a walk on the land to learn on, from and with the land and to show gratitude for the past seasons we have been together and what lies ahead in summer. We enjoyed our time outside with Ms Paradis' class being mindful of our surroundings. Part of our learning on this day was centered around the flags each school was gifted with. We learned that these flags - The Treaty 7, The Metis and the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami flag celebrate the original stewards of this territory and our system commitment to respect the ancestral and inherent rights of those nations. This was important for us all to learn about the symbols and embedded teachings within them. As well as, to increase foundational understandings of the current and past realities of Indigenous peop...
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June 12 - 16th Grade 1 is always packed with lots of learning, fun and adventures and this week did not disappoint. We started our week closely examining our Painted Lady Butterflies by creating our own scientific replica through drawing/coloring. We also joined Ms Paradis' class on the top of the hill to release our butterflies out in nature. We were very fortunate and hatched 22 of 23 chrysalises! Students have been very busy documenting and representing their nonfiction learning about an animal of their choice that lives or frequents in urban areas. Students have been creating books about their animals using the app - Pages. This is an interactive app that allows students to draw, record their voice, add pictures and add text. They are working so hard to create their representations and are super proud of their independence and willingness to work through new types of learning. Here is an example of a page from a book. Look for more to come! This week we have been ...
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June 5-8th What a week! We packed as much as we possibly could and it was amazing! It started with our field trip to the Weasel head in North Glenmore Park. We had terrific weather, amazing volunteers, fantastic opportunities to connect with nature and walked 7.1 kms! Some of the highlights of the trip were the tree swallows using mud to build nests, finding damsel flies, a bumblebee, spiders, and a grasshopper, having lunch with a pair of squirrels, listening to different bird calls and exploring a wet land area where we found snails, little water bugs and a fishing spider along with lots of mud! On Tuesday, we spent time reflecting on our adventures using the medicine wheel to document the components of ourselves while we were on our field trip - Mind (what we learned/wonder), Spirit (our emotions), Heart (support), Body. Here are a few examples: Learning about the Medicine Wheel - Our class has been using the medicine wheel as a learning tool to help us learn about ourselves - our i...