June 5-8th

What a week! We packed as much as we possibly could and it was amazing!

It started with our field trip to the Weasel head in North Glenmore Park. We had terrific weather, amazing volunteers, fantastic opportunities to connect with nature and walked 7.1 kms! Some of the highlights of the trip were the tree swallows using mud to build nests, finding damsel flies, a bumblebee, spiders, and a grasshopper, having lunch with a pair of squirrels, listening to different bird calls and exploring a wet land area where we found snails, little water bugs and a fishing spider along with lots of mud!

On Tuesday, we spent time reflecting on our adventures using the medicine wheel to document the components of ourselves while we were on our field trip - Mind (what we learned/wonder), Spirit (our emotions), Heart (support), Body. Here are a few examples:

Learning about the Medicine Wheel - Our class has been using the medicine wheel as a learning tool to help us learn about ourselves - our identity, ways to interact with our world  and each other and how to balance ourselves. This learning is ongoing and has been powerful and beneficial for all. As part of this we have also been reading about the 7 lessons of the Medicine Wheel and each student created their own Medicine Wheel that represent these learnings. Here are a few of their representations - 

We also spent time learning about our Painted Lady caterpillars and documenting their metamorphosis from a caterpillar into chrysalis then into butterflies. We have been gifted to view 14 of our chrysalis change into butterflies! 

Phonics - this week we continued to examine and practice word endings. These included -tch and -dge (itch, batch, edge, badge) and we also focused  on VCC word endings that have long vowel sounds such as - ild in child, -old in told, -ind in find, -olt in bolt, -ost in most. 


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