June 19-23

Here is a look at us walking our way through the last full week of grade 1!

National Indigenous People's Day & Summer Solstice 

This was an amazing day of celebration and reflection. We started the day with a walk on the land to learn on, from and with the land and to show gratitude for the past seasons we have been together and what lies ahead in summer. We enjoyed our time outside with Ms Paradis' class being mindful of our surroundings. 

Part of our learning on this day was centered around the flags each school was gifted with. We learned that these flags - The Treaty 7, The Metis and the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami flag celebrate the original stewards of this territory and our system commitment to respect the ancestral and inherent rights of those nations. This was important for us all to learn about the symbols and embedded teachings within them. As well as, to increase foundational understandings of the current and past realities of Indigenous peoples, their relationship to the lands, and the collective rights and responsibilities of being a Treaty person. These flags are proudly displayed in our front foyer. 

We also spent  the afternoon with Ms Paradis' class learning from Elder Saa'kokoto about the teachings of the Summer Solstice, built medicine wheels out of seeds/beans from the land and watched a demonstration of how to make a traditional indigenous bread called bannock. We even had the opportunity to taste this delicious warm bread. A big thank you to Ms Paradis for bringing in the ingredients for all of us. If you are interested in the recipe please see below. 


Rocks - in the last couple of we have been discussing our love for rocks and were inspired by some some anchor texts - If You Find a Rock by  Peggy Christian and Everybody Needs a Rock by Byrd Baylor. These books inspired us to look closely at rocks and discover what kind of rocks they were and what were their stories. Then we started making lists of how to select rocks and ways to celebrate with our rocks. Here are a few of the awesome lists! 

At the end of the week we looked at different art forms using rocks and nature and created our own masterpieces! 

Financial Literacy - we continued our look at Canadian coins and spent time sorting and organizing collections of play money. From here we built concrete graphs which use the object in the graph (see below) and pictographs. 

Important Dates and Reminders - 

June 28th - Activity Day and Fitset Ninja: please ensure you have returned your child's form so they can participate in Fitset Ninja. 

Report cards go live - please use your CBE account to view. 

June 29th - last day of school 


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