June 12 - 16th
Grade 1 is always packed with lots of learning, fun and adventures and this week did not disappoint.
We started our week closely examining our Painted Lady Butterflies by creating our own scientific replica through drawing/coloring. We also joined Ms Paradis' class on the top of the hill to release our butterflies out in nature. We were very fortunate and hatched 22 of 23 chrysalises!
Students have been very busy documenting and representing their nonfiction learning about an animal of their choice that lives or frequents in urban areas. Students have been creating books about their animals using the app - Pages. This is an interactive app that allows students to draw, record their voice, add pictures and add text. They are working so hard to create their representations and are super proud of their independence and willingness to work through new types of learning. Here is an example of a page from a book. Look for more to come!
This week we have been discussing financial literacy. Students brainstormed what they knew about money and we began examining different things money was used for, different ways to earn/get money, and different currencies around the world. We then took a closer look at Canadian currency, both bills and coins and their values. We will continue with this next week as well.
Phonics - this week we examined compound words which are two or more words joined together to form new word that has a different meaning for example - foot + ball = football
up + hill = uphill
sand + box = sandhill
This week we headed out on a community walk with our grade 2 friends in Ms Davies' class. It was a wonderful way to reconnect with our peers and get out on the land. We examined the changes in the plants around us and how the weather affects the animals, birds and even the river.
Friday, June 16 -
- Due date for all library books - if you have not returned your child's library books please send in on Monday.
Wednesday, June 21 - National Indigenous Day and Summer Solstice - we will be heading out on a community walk and participating in some activities to celebrate the special day. More information to come.
Wednesday, June 28 -
- Activity Day with Fitset Ninja: Forms coming home on Monday.
Thursday, June 29 -
- Last Day of classes for the school year
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