May 24-27th I can create narratives with structure and detail. This week we looked to enhance our personal narratives by adding more structure and detail. We began by reading different examples of personal narrative books such as Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall; Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems; When the Relatives Came, Cynthia Rylant to help us build our writing. We used this graphic organizer as we read through the different books to identify how the authors organized their writing and then used it to help us develop the structure for our own narrative. B eginning M iddle E nd Remember : Sensory details - Feelings - We also focussed on how to use transition sentences in the beginning, middle and end of our narrative such as One day, Last week, Then, Next, I felt, I was.. to help us connect our ideas. I can show my understanding of repeating patterns using many different ways including number patterns. This week my math grou...
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May 16- 19th Wow , what a week! We had lots of amazing learning and hands on experiences. I can show my understanding of sink, float and buoyancy. I can construct objects that will float and move through the water. This week we build up our understanding of the meaning of the words - float, sink and buoyancy through hands on experiments. These experiences included determining which materials sink and which float as well as testing materials for how well they float with added weight. We continued to build on this learning in our program at Telus Spark where we worked in teams to test materials to use in constructing boats that float. I can reflect on my learning and experiences through the medicine wheel. After Telus Spark, students were given time to reflect on their body, mind, spirit and heart. This was a powerful way to make connections to what we learned, how we felt, who supported us and what we did. This week in math, my group reviewed reading and writing n...
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May 9-13th I can learn on, from and with the land. I can use my senses to be mindful of the world around me. I can make observations about the world around me and the creatures that call it home. This week on our community walk we continued our focus on being mindful of our world around us. We used our eagle eyes, owl ears, wolf sense of smell, soft hands and open hearts to make observations of the land around Ramsay. We were gifted the opportunity to find evidence of feathers from the winged ones which led us on a path of inquiry to try to determine what type of bird left the beautiful feathers for us to view. We were also fortunate to watch a hawk ride the thermals as it hunted its prey and view a pollinator up close as it went about its daily routines. Students found sit spots and documented their observations focussing on their own bodies, their senses and being mindful on the land. I can describe equality and inequality in different ways. I can record an eq...
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May 2 - 6th I can decide to be active. I can understand that exercise and feeling good go together. Last week we had the opportunity to work with SOGO adventure running and learned some skills around orienteering and map reading as well as participated in activities which used these skills. Everyone enjoyed the fun filled sessions along with the exercise. I can describe the properties of water and other liquids. Last week we spent time looking at the difference between a solid, liquid and gas. Then we dove into exploring different liquids and building our vocabulary to describe the texture, appearance and thickness of different liquids. We also completed a scientific experiment where students made predictions on what would happen if you placed different liquids on top of different types of materials such as paper and plastic. Students built up their understanding of the words absorb and expel. Students enjoyed observing the liquid races where we observed which li...