May 16- 19th

Wow , what a week! We had lots of amazing learning and hands on experiences. 

I can show my understanding of sink, float and buoyancy. I can construct objects that will float and move through the water. 

This week we build up our understanding of the meaning of the words - float, sink and buoyancy through hands on experiments. These experiences included determining which materials sink and which float as well as testing materials for how well they float with added weight. We continued to build on this learning in our program at Telus Spark where we worked in teams to test materials to use in constructing boats that float. 

I can reflect on my learning and experiences through the medicine wheel.
After Telus Spark, students were given time to reflect on their body, mind, spirit and heart. This was a powerful way to make connections to what we learned, how we felt, who supported us and what we did. 

This week in math, my group reviewed reading and writing numerals with our focus on place value and the value of the digits in numbers up to 100. We also used base ten bocks and place value charts as tools to assist us in reading and writing numerals. We also reviewed patterns - what makes a pattern, pattern rules, the core of a pattern an identifying how many times a core repeats. 

Ms. Yasin's math group continued to work on double digit subtraction strategies this week! Students reviewed single digit subtraction strategies and applied them to double digit numbers! We focused on using place value to help with subtraction. Students also had the opportunity to become familiar with key subtraction vocabulary that they may come across in a problem solving context. We will be using these key words next week to create and solve subtraction word problems!

Here are some additional photos from our field trip, our time with Frisbee Rob, and our beautiful pollinator art created from modelling clay:




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