May 2 - 6th
I can decide to be active. I can understand that exercise and feeling good go together.
Last week we had the opportunity to work with SOGO adventure running and learned some skills around orienteering and map reading as well as participated in activities which used these skills. Everyone enjoyed the fun filled sessions along with the exercise.
I can describe the properties of water and other liquids.
Last week we spent time looking at the difference between a solid, liquid and gas. Then we dove into exploring different liquids and building our vocabulary to describe the texture, appearance and thickness of different liquids. We also completed a scientific experiment where students made predictions on what would happen if you placed different liquids on top of different types of materials such as paper and plastic. Students built up their understanding of the words absorb and expel. Students enjoyed observing the liquid races where we observed which liquids would travel down a board fastest and students had to give their reasons for why this occurred. We also completed an experiment in which we mixed liquids (oil and water then we added dish soap) to develop an understanding of liquids viscosity and density.
This week my math group applied their understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers up to 20 to story or math word problems. Students learned to look for key facts in the word problems and key words to tell them which operation to use.
Ms. Yasin's math group has had a busy few weeks of learning! Students have been using all their addition strategies knowledge to create and solve addition word problems! The group took time to deconstruct a word/story problem into it's key components:
- Numbers
- problem or question
- math key vocabulary
- characters
- objects or nouns that are being added or subtracted
Students used "C.U.B.E.S" to guide them in identifying these key parts of a word problem. This helped students to understand what they were reading and figure out how to solve an addition word problem. Then they had an opportunity to write their own! Everyone had so much fun creating their own word problems!
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