April 19 - 22nd I can find and group information to match establish categories . This week we put our knowledge of non-fiction text features, how to organize info into a web and the use of jot notes to work and began a little research project on pollinators. Students chose one of 4 pollinators (Bee, Bat, Ladybug or Hummingbird) to research and either worked in a small group or on their own to find information on their chosen topic. Students were challenged with the task of signing into our chrome books, navigating to get onto google and epic books. Students used epic books to listen to & read books and watch short videos to collect information on their pollinator. We were very pleased to see students rise to the challenge and work together to navigate through some problem solving and to apply what they know to read and navigate through non-fiction texts. I can learn from the land and appreciate what the land provides. This week our intention was to go out and comp...
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April 11-14th I can learn from both the scientific and indigenous ways of knowing : This week we honored the beginning of spring and the arrival of the prairie crocus by looking at the Kanai story of the Crocus - https://galileo.org/kainai/pasque-flower/ . Students enjoyed hearing the legend and hearing about the different ways this plant could be used medicinally. We also encountered the crocus in our weekly Wentzscope Wednesday - students get a chance to look at different objects up close under a microscope and guess what they think they are based on the evidence presented. Have a look: https://twitter.com/DiscoverItHere/status/1514227193399885832 https://twitter.com/DiscoverItHere/status/1514317555875385344 This week we also continued our focus on non-fiction text features and how they can assist us in to find and group information to match establish categories . Students learned how to use a web and how the graphic organizer is useful to use...
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April 4-8th I can identify and understand how to use non-fiction text features for the purpose of locating and evaluating important information. This week we began by looking at the difference between non-fiction and fiction books. Then we focused on the different features that non-fiction books offer and how they are gateways to help us locate and evaluate information. Students were involved in a scavenger hunt to locate the different text features we had been focussing on. My math group continued to work on addition and subtraction strategies to develop their fluency in this area. Along with applying their understanding representing numbers using place value (tens and ones). This week in math with Ms. Yasin, students had the opportunity to spend time exploring addition using the place value method and getting lots of practice! This is a great strategy to help add double digit numbers. Students are able to visualize the addition process and understand what is a...
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March 28-April 1st We had a great week back together after break, and were so lucky to have wonderful spring weather. Here is a look at some of the learning and experiences we shared this week: I can interpret and explain how seasons change living things. I can make observations of the world around me. Our walking field trip provided us with the opportunity to view many changes in our community in relation to changes in the season. Students are becoming very conscientious of experiencing our walking field trips with open eyes, ears, minds and hearts. We were able to experience and take in a number of different types of evidence of spring from the footprints of birds, the chatter/call of ground squirrels and brief sightings of the ground squirrel, buds on trees, pussy willows, the diminished ice and slow, shallow flow of the river and wood ducks enjoying the river. Along our walk, we paused to document what we were experiencing by completing a 4 direction sketch of the...