April 11-14th 

I can learn from both the scientific and indigenous ways of knowing:

This week we honored the beginning of spring and the arrival of the prairie crocus by looking at the Kanai story of the  Crocus  - https://galileo.org/kainai/pasque-flower/.  Students enjoyed hearing the legend and hearing about the different ways this plant could be used medicinally.

 We also encountered the crocus in our weekly Wentzscope Wednesday - students get a chance to look at different objects up close under a microscope and guess what they think they are based on the evidence presented. Have a look: 



This week we also continued our focus on non-fiction text features and how they can assist us in to find and group information to match establish categories. Students learned how to use a web and how the graphic organizer is useful to use when researching . We practiced finding information about arctic foxes from non-fiction text, then determined what categories on our web it should go under and then practiced using short jot notes to record the information. 

My math group continued to work on building their understanding of place value by representing numbers in different ways such as base ten blocks, in 10 frame and in number sentences. We also worked on identifying the value of the digits in numbers such as 46 - the 4 is 4 tens or 40. We also continued to use our knowledge of doubles to work through subtraction problems through practice and games. To end the week, we examined patterns and how they are used to decorate easter eggs and students created their own patterned eggs. 

This week in math with Ms. Yasin, students had a chance to revisit their doubles and doubles-plus-one addition strategies. This learning was applied to double digit addition! Students used their knowledge of adding small numbers to add large numbers by breaking them up and putting them back together in an easier way! They had fun solidifying their learning through a math easter egg hunt at the end of the week! 

Music News!!!

We are very excited to have the opportunity to view the Calgary Opera'svirtual presentation of Dean Burry's The Brothers Grimm next week.  This virtual opera is performed by the McPhee Artist Development Ensemble with Musical Direction by Mel Kirby.
We will be viewing it during music class and we will be discussing the various parts of the Opera including singing parts, opera terminology, and how an opera contains a variety of forms of music.   We are very fortunate that Calgary Opera offers this presentation free of charge to our schools.  Hopefully your child will be able to share with you all about the opera at the end of next week!  If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Serra at jeserra@cbe.ab.ca


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