May 6 - 10th

This week has been filled with projects and more projects! 

We began our week by looking at original ancestors of the Nova Scotia area - The Mi'kmaq. We learned about the physical evidence of their continual presence on the land. The Mi’kmaq used wampum belts, chewed birchbark, and wrote hieroglyphics; they also etched petroglyphs into stone as physical representations of information. Knowledge was passed on primarily through oral histories and teachings based in practice. We examined their different types of transportation such as bull boats, dugout canoes and kayaks. This inspired us to think about the purpose of boats and to design our own kinds of boats and to determine the best types of materials suited for our boats.

Along the notion of designing with a purpose - students were challenged to pick a design task to determine its purpose and design their own. Students were to identify the what they would use to make up these objects, create a list of materials, determine ways to make it stable and meet the challenge and then build. More to come about this project!

Another project we worked on this week was documenting a poem using Pages software. This software is a word processor that allows you to create drawings and annotations and collaborate between computers and iPads. Students were tasked with learning how to change fonts, size, color, of their texts as well as use tools such as spell check and drawing. We will be sharing our documents soon!

In Math we have been continuing to use our knowledge to solve addition and subtraction equations with a focus on figuring out when addition and subtraction can be used to solve problems. Here is an example of a task we did this week:

Grade 2 - Ms Mandin

April has been a busy month in music class! Here are some of the highlights from the past month:
In grade 2, we introduced a new song called “Icka Backa” to help us better understand musical time signatures and accented beats. Students practiced identifying these signatures by listening to rhythms and determining their organization into groups of 2, 3, or 4. Additionally, they learned about musical form and how songs consist of repeating sections. To reinforce this concept, we incorporated fun dances representing different song sections. By exploring musical structure and rhythm, grade 2 students are learning to enjoy and appreciate music through movement and dance.

A couple reminders about next week - 

Save the Date: 

Scholastic Book Fair

Monday May 13 – View Only NO SALES

Tuesday May 14 – Thursday May 16 –  Sales

Thursday Evening at the Learning Celebration – Open for Sales

Method of payments accepted for the book fair include:

  • Cash
  • Debit
  • Credit

Celebration of Learning

May 16, 2024 – 6:00 – 7:30 pm. This is an evening opportunity for families to come to the school and see examples of their own child's learning as well as tour around the school and see what is happening in other classes/grades. Please come visit any time between 6:00 -7:30 pm.

**One last thing - a Happy Mother's Day to all Moms! We are so fortunate to have such wonderful Moms of all kinds here at Ramsay! Enjoy the weekend, have fun with your families. 



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