May 21 - 24th
Thank you to all families who were able to attend our learning celebration last week! It was wonderful to see students and families sharing and celebrating together!
Here are a few of the things we shared:
Journaling in Nature - builds a student's sense of place, observation skills, inquiry, investigation and mindfulness. It promotes reflection, growth mindset and a sense of belonging and purpose.
Designing with a purpose projects - students were challenged to pick a design task to determine its purpose and then design their own. Students determined what materials they would need to create this design, plan how to build their design so that it is stable and strong and then build their design.
This week our focus has been centered around a project which encompasses outcomes from different curriculum areas. This project is a research project on student chosen animal which lives in Canada. Students were tasked with developing categories related to animals and to use books, media, search engines, pictures to search for information and organize it related to the categories. Part of this learning included familiarizing ourselves on nonfiction text features and how to use them as well as how to take jot notes. Our next steps will include learning how to write our information into paragraphs and creating a google slide show to represent our learning. More to come!
Math : Last week we finished off our unit on addition and subtraction problems by having students create and solve addition and subtraction problems involving two-digit numbers in a context of their choice. This week we moved our focus onto money. Students were involved in tasks to count money amounts represented as pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, $1 coins (loonies), $2 coins (toonies), $5 bills, $10 bills, $20 bills, and $50 bills. Students also represented amounts of money up to 100¢ or $100 using one type of coin or bill.
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