May 27 - 31st Our week together flew by! We had lots of projects we were immersed in and enjoying learning about. Science - this week we have been examining different lifecycles of animals and plants. Our learning intentions are to observe and describe the growth and development of animals and plants from early to more advanced stages as well as to predict the next stages in growth and development. Students have been engaged in learning about different lifecycles including the animal they are researching as well as others that we are able to witness while out on the land (including some baby geese while out on our community walk). Students have also been learning how to take the information they have gathered about their research animal and have been learning how to create short paragraphs. Our next steps have been to learn the ins and outs of google slides and how to create a presentation to represent their learning. Students have been super engaged and excited to learn different...
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May 21 - 24th Thank you to all families who were able to attend our learning celebration last week! It was wonderful to see students and families sharing and celebrating together! Here are a few of the things we shared: Journaling in Nature - builds a student's sense of place, observation skills, inquiry, investigation and mindfulness. It promotes reflection, growth mindset and a sense of belonging and purpose. Designing with a purpose projects - students were challenged to pick a design task to determine its purpose and then design their own. Students determined what materials they would need to create this design, plan how to build their design so that it is stable and strong and then build their design. This week our focus has been centered around a project which encompasses outcomes from different curriculum areas. This project is a research project on student chosen animal which lives in Canada. Students were tasked with developing categories related t...
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May 6 - 10th This week has been filled with projects and more projects! We began our week by looking at original ancestors of the Nova Scotia area - The Mi'kmaq. We learned about the physical evidence of their continual presence on the land. The Mi’kmaq used wampum belts, chewed birchbark, and wrote hieroglyphics; they also etched petroglyphs into stone as physical representations of information. Knowledge was passed on primarily through oral histories and teachings based in practice. We examined their different types of transportation such as bull boats, dugout canoes and kayaks. This inspired us to think about the purpose of boats and to design our own kinds of boats and to determine the best types of materials suited for our boats. Along the notion of designing with a purpose - students were challenged to pick a design task to determine its purpose and design their own. Students were to identify the what they would use to make up these objects, create a list of m...
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April 30 - May 3 We had a busy, engaging week filled with discovery, learning and fun! One of the highlights of our week was our field trip to Telus Spark. Our program , "A Perfect Try" challenged students to investigate the properties of materials and relate them to a purpose. Students were challenged to choose materials to build an object that had two purposes - for example build an object that can move from one place to another and can hold something. Students worked together as a group to create these objects while testing the appropriateness of materials through trial and error. This program was a direct tie in to our unit on Matter: Investigating the properties of materials. Other highlights of our time at Telus Spark included the DaVinci Exhibit, the Space Exhibit, The Creative Kids Museum and of course the Playparks! In Social we have continued our look at the dynamic community of Nova Scotia with a focus on historic and present community members such as the Acadia...