April 15-18
This week we continued with our extension activities centered around the story of Napi and The Rock. This included the students using pictographs to assist them in sequencing and retelling the story. We also have looked at different version of the story including one created in conjunction with the Calgary Philharmonic. Here is a link to that production - Napi and The Rock.
We also continued our in depth focus on Nova Scotia (landforms, features, weather, activities, resources, occupations etc.) through the lens of resources and occupations. We have been examining the fishing industry and fishing pastimes examining the resources (types of fish, seafood) as well as equipment. Our next step was to learn additional facts about lobsters from different media sources such as books and videos. Students used the iPads to collect and share this information. We then moved into a shared reading activity and a building activity where students were tasked with building lobster traps and lobsters out of various materials. Lastly, students wrote creative compositions about their lobsters focussing on facts and adding in a little imagination.
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