December 4th -7th
This week we headed out on another community walk to view Calgary’s landmarks out on Scotsman’s hill. This was an amazing experience to be able to identify many of Calgary’s landmarks up close which led to organic discussion around the heritage of Calgary. This was also a nice way to tie in our last community walk where we examined the historical significance of many of the buildings of Ramsay. Student’s enjoyed creating sketches of these heritage buildings as well as creating a representation of a Calgary landmark.
In math this week we focused on number sense and place value up to 999. Students engaged in identifying numbers from base 10 models, representing these numbers in expanded form and identifying different ways to build numbers using different combinations of hundreds, tens and ones.
In phonics this week we worked on the long i vowel team - /ie/- tie, pie /igh/ - high, sight.
Our high frequency words for this week are: away, animal, house, point, page, letter, mother, answer, found, study
Music Update from Ms Mandin -
The grade 2 students did some amazing rhythm work this November! Students spent time listening to rhythmic patterns and identifying which one was played when given a set of choices. This led to trying new instruments in various percussion ensembles. Our favorite song to work on has been “Bell Horses”. We have explored different rhythms and melodies in this song through singing and playing instruments such as the rhythm sticks and boom whackers!
Ramsay Food Challenge
This year we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Calgary Food bank. Our grade 2 & 5 classes are inviting everyone to participate in the Ramsay Food Challenge, where classes will be working to collect the most food for the Calgary Food Bank. If you would like to donate, please have your students bring non-perishable food items to their class before December 19th.
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