December 11 - 15th
CBE has put together a valuable resource for parents to access at home. This resource is the CBE Decodable Digital Library. This resource has been developed to provide access to digital versions of decodable reading materials for CBE teachers and families. These digital offerings support both our understanding of decodable books and provide opportunities for beginning readers to access these reading materials at home and school. The materials will continue to be updated as the library evolves over time. This webpage can be found at the link below:
We had a busy week filled with loads of projects, explorations and discovery. Have a look at a snapshot of our week: (sorry I did not manage to take too many photos this week)
Buddies: On Friday we spent time with our grade six buddies exploring different techniques to build paper snowflakes. This was an excellent way to bring us together to build community relationships, have fun and learn a little bit too!
This week our phonics focus continued on vowel teams -
u /oo/, oo /oo/ - book, look, put
oo /ū/ - cool, pool
ew /ū/, ui /ū/, ue /ū/ - blew, fruit, blue
This week's high frequency words were - still, learn, should, America, would, high, every, near, add, food.
This week we continued our work on building complete sentences with description using nouns (person, place, thing, idea), adjectives (describing words), adverbs (actions). We used picture prompts to help give us ideas for writing. We also learned about how to write a friendly letter and practiced this by writing a letter to a senior in a senior assisted living facility. Students really enjoyed writing a letter to a member of our community to make them feel special!
Math: Representing Numbers -
Here is a sample of a task that we worked through as a large group, in partners and independently
1. Show some different ways to represent 823.
2. How could you show that 823 is less than 900?
3. How could you show that 823 is greater than 600?
4. How could you show 823 as the sum of three numbers?
5. How could you show 823 as the sum of two numbers?
6. How could you show that 823 is greater than 80?
Science -
This week we began our unit on sounds and light. Students discovered that sound travels in sound waves created by vibrations. We had fun exploring natural and man made sound sources and spent time examining different types of sounds created by instruments. We also enjoyed creating some abstract watercolor art work influenced by music.
Social - We have been been working on a project involving which incorporates our own identity and our place in our community. More to come....
Reminders/Important Dates-
Monday, December 18 –
- Jersey / Hat Day (Wear your favorite jersey and/or holiday hat)
Tuesday, December 19 –
- Red / Green Day (Wear red / green clothing)
Wednesday, December 20 –
- Holiday Sweater / Outfit Day (Wear your favorite holiday sweater / outfit)
Thursday, December 21 –
- Winter Solstice - Wear Blue, White, Silver
Friday, December 22 –
- PJ and Stuffy Day (Wear your PJ's and bring a stuffy friend)
Ramsay Food Challenge
This year we will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Calgary Food bank. Our grade 2 & 5 classes are inviting everyone to participate in the Ramsay Food Challenge, where classes will be working to collect the most food for the Calgary Food Bank. If you would like to donate, please have your students bring non-perishable food items to their class before December 22.
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