October 16 - 19
We had another short but wonderful week together in our learning spaces engaging in many different activities, sharing our discoveries and building relationships.
This week we went back to the Indigenous Learning Framework to build upon our learning expectations, ways to take care of ourselves to feel balanced and how to build relationships. We then examined what a treaty is - a relationship between groups and used the idea of a treaty being a commitment to one another. Students then developed a "treaty link" which would represent themselves and we joined all our links to form a circle signifying our commitment that would be continuous. Students also reflected on why they chose the colors and shapes of beads they used:
In math we shifted to focus on numbers.
Our first focus this week centered around ordinal numbers vs cardinal numbers.
We engaged in different tasks to differentiate between these different types of numbers and real life experiences where we would use these numbers.
Our next steps were to move onto counting forwards strategies - counting by 1, 2, 5 and 10 at different starting points.

We also spent time playing math games such as Who has more? and Making 10. Who has more? looks at the value of the cards and reinforces more and less. Making 10 uses the value of face cards as 10, A is 1, all the other cards are their value. The purpose of the game is to have one or to cards to add together to equal 10. These card games are an excellent way to reinforce concepts through enjoyable games that can be played at school or home.
Phonics - Over the past week we reviewed the following word endings:
/tch/ - immediately follows a short vowel sound (hatch, fetch, switch)
-dge /j/ - immediately follows a short vowel sound (edge, fudge, ledge, grudge)
-ild, -old, -ind, -olt, -ost - high frequency words that "do not follow" the long vowel patterns. (wild, mold, mind, bolt, most)
We have also started our focus on developing our descriptive vocabulary to enhance our written compositions. This work will be unpacked in all curriculum domains to build broader more enhanced vocabulary bases for all learners. This week our work in this area involved looking at nature around us and focussing on the way we can describe colors in our world and developing our own color names.
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