May 15-19th
It was a somewhat long week due to being kept inside from the wildfire smoke but we powered through and had some great experiences. Here is a look at our week-
Phonics: this week we looked at two different sounds. The first one was /c/ - when the c says /s/ when there is a /e/ following it. Words such as ace, place, race follow this phonics rule. The second one is similar but is the soft/g/ sound in words such as huge, cage, page. The high frequency words we focused on this week were - live, me, back, give, most.
Writing - this week we focused on how to write a friendly letter. We looked at the purpose of writing letters and the parts of a letter. We completed a shared writing experience where we wrote a letter together and then students worked on writing letters independently. Here is a look at a few samples and our letter writing success criteria.
Math - this week we moved onto measurement. We began examining what it meant to measure, why we would measure and different ways we can measure. As a group we centered on effective ways to measure and different units of measure that are reasonable. Vocabulary that we have covered: measure, length, width, height, weight, capacity, unit, longer, longest, shortest. We have been having a ton of fun learning and measuring objects around our classroom and hallways. We also enjoyed the clear, sunny weather on Monday to go out with Ms Paradis' class to explore a challenge - which cup would Ms Paradis want to use to have the biggest drink of water? Here are some photos of our explorations -
Science - We have continued with our focus on Living things but shifted our focus to plants. We looked at conditions that allow plants to thrive and grow. Students were given the opportunity to plant black bean seeds and watch them begin to grow through the stages of development.
We also wrapped up our structures unit with a challenge to create a structure using recycled things. This was a super fun way to spend time creating, building and testing out their knowledge of how to build and join. Here are a few examples -
Reminders/Upcoming Events -
Tuesday, May 23rd - Little Red Reading Van is coming to Ramsay to visit with K-2 classes.
Wednesday, May 24th - Library book exchange:return library books
Spring dance 6-8 pm
Wednesday, May 31 - return Acknowledgement of Risk Forms for Field trip
Monday June 5th - Field trip to Weaselhead/Glenmore
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