April 11-14th

It was another short week, but we packed in a whole bunch of fun, inquiry, discovery and time in the sunshine!

Here is a little look into some of the things we were up to in room 9:


We have 8 different colored, different size eggs making their home in our grade 1 classrooms for the next couple of weeks! We were very excited and surprised to find out about these eggs today. As a group we discussed the different animals and insects that we knew that came from eggs and then we each made a prediction of what we thought our eggs may grow into! We learned about an incubator which is an insulated enclosure that maintains heat and humidity which is important for growth and hatching of our eggs. We also began our focus on lifecycles. We can not wait to continue to learn about our eggs and share with you!

Phonics - 

This week we worked on the long /e/ sound. Students learned the silent/magic e tells the a to say its long sound/name in words such as eve, here, these 

This week we focussed on the following high frequency words - call, am, who, its, now. 

I can ask questions that are on topic, to learn information. I can speak fluently when asking a question.

We were fortunate to have MLA Joe Ceci come to visit our classroom and share his role in our community and read us a story. Prior to his visit, we spent time developing questions that would provide us with information about Joe Ceci's job and things he does to help others. Several students were given the opportunity to ask the groups questions and we learned a great deal.

Monday, April 17th - Spring Pictures
Wednesday April 19th - Library: return book in book bag.
Monday April 24th - Grade 1 Zoo Field Trip



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