March 6-10th
This week we had our sharing assembly. All students did an amazing job and should be very proud of themselves. Thank you to those parents who were able to attend.
The themes of our work centered around friendship, belonging and ways we can make Ramsay school community a welcoming place that includes everyone. Our class read the book, Kindness is My Superpower by Alicia Ortega. This inspired us to think of ways we make the world a better place as we each picked a superpower that we have. We discovered by using these superpowers and acts of kindness we all can be real superheroes. I have attached our work to our google classroom - please sign in to view.

Science - We have been looking at structures, identifying what makes a structure, the difference between man made and structures made in nature. We also have been looking at ways structures are put together and materials that are used to build structures. We have examined how how we can make structures stronger by using layers as well as twisting and folding. This week we tested the idea of using layers of tissue to test how many beads we could get the tissue to hold. We also tested how we could manipulate paper used to build a simple bridge to make it stronger. Students determined that folding paper gave it additional strength and tested their folded bridges to see how many beads it would hold.
Phonics -
This week we worked on the long /a/ sound. Students learned the silent/magic e tells the a to say its long sound/name in words such as ape, maze, snake.
This week we focussed on the following high frequency words - him, into, time, has, look.
Upcoming events/reminders -
Tues/Thursday - puppet work with Monica
Wednesday - Library: students need to return book to choose a new one to sign out.
Friday - St. Patricks Day : wear green if you wish.
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