November 28 - Dec 2nd

Welcome to December! We had a cold but enjoyable week in grade 1 & 2 in room 9. Here is a glimpse into our week -

Literacy -

We are very fortunate to have Ms Yasin working with students at Ramsay for the next few weeks. Ms Paradis and myself have opted to have our grade 2 readers(Group B)  to work with Ms Yasin on phonics, fluency, reading and writing while we continue this work with the rest of our class. Students in this group will work with Ms Yasin from 8:30 - 9:30 am - Monday - Thursdays so it is important that they do their best to get to school on time. This week this group reviewed vowel graphemes and applied it to their reading and writing. 

Group A- my group worked on reviewing short vowels this week as these can be tricky to isolate and identify. We reviewed these phonemes through group and individual work  on reading and writing CVC words. At the end of the week we worked through a short reading passage together, then students practiced independently. We then used the passage as a model for shared writing and students then wrote their own part to the passage using the scripted sentence frames as guides. Students brought these home as their home reading work for this week. 

I see a pig. The pig is in its pen. I see a cat. The cat is on the bed. I see a dog. The dog is in its den. I see a bug. The bug is on a bat!

I can use a variety of comprehension strategies to build meaning and understanding of text. 

Over the last two weeks we have been concentrating on the reciprocal reading strategy summarizing. We have been using the graphic below as a tool to assist us in developing strong summaries of oral stories. 

This week we read the story The Invisible Boy, by Trudy Ludwig and then students represented their understanding of the story summary in a graphic organizer. Our focus was to include relevant character traits of the main character and to provide only the most important events/details in sequential order. Students were given the opportunity to write and orally explain their ideas. 

I can work together with peer in a cooperative manner. i can contribute to a group. I can share my ideas with my peers. 
Students were given the challenge of working in small groups with 5 pieces of paper to build a paper chain. Prior to the challenge we discussed what being a cooperative, contributing member of a group would mean and set up some guidelines as to what this would look, sound and feel like for all members of the group. Students had fun creating paper chains together and it was awesome to see when groups finished the task they then joined other groups to give them a helping hand!

Upcoming Events:


16 - Save On Nutritionist Presentation on Good Snack Choices - virtual 

19 – Red / Green Day

20 – Holiday Hat Day

21 – Holiday / Fun Sweater Day

22 – Last day of classes / PJ Day

23 - Jan 8 – Winter Break

Jan 9 – Classes Resume


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