December 5 -9th 

We had another great week learning, discovering, creating and exploring together. 

This is a little snapshot of our week - 

i Can Use Different Mediums to Create. i can apply what i know about line, shape and texture to create. 

We have been learning about ice in correlation to our unit on liquids and hot and cold in science. We have also been linking this to our look at Nunavut and the diverse features of glaciers and icebergs. Students have been fascinated with the size, shapes and colors of icebergs. This inspired us to look at art created with icebergs  as its subject.  We discovered Lawren Stewart Harris- a Canadian painter who was one of the original founders of the Group of  7. His work inspired us to create our own Iceberg art using chalk pastels. 

 I Can Appreciate the Diversity of Communities in Canada . I Can Examine and Explain Similarities and Differences in Communities in Canada

As we continue to examine the diversity of communities in Canada, students focussed on creating visual pamphlets to represents the similarities and differences in Alberta and Nunavut in respect to landforms and animals that live on the land in the areas. Here is a sample of two different students pamphlets - 

I Can Learn From, With and About the Land. I Can Be Mindful and Show My Gratitude to the Land.  I Can Observe and Identify the scientific Vocabulary of Hot and Cold and Apply What I Know About the States of MAtter. 

On Friday we spent time outside enjoying time in mother nature playing in the snow, examining the shapes we could find in the snow, creating and building in the snow and observing the different states of water that were present. We also observed how the temperature and sunshine had an affect on the snow and our own bodies. We examined vocabulary such as hot, cold, temperature, melting, slush, solid, crystals, liquid. We also explored how fresh air, exercise and connecting with the land gave us opportunities to learn, how it made our bodies and brains feel and the importance of being aware and observant and appreciative of the land around us. 


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