October 11 - 14th

Wow! What a wonderful busy, exciting week! We definitely packed it all in and took full advantage of the amazing fall weather and opportunities to learn on, from and with the land and our place. 

Here is a glimpse of our week - 

Field Trip - Bow Habitat:  Exploring the properties of water and the importance of water for living things.

Our field trip to the Bow Habitat was an exciting learning adventure which allowed us to learn from experts on the properties of water and how the fish hatchery maintains safe, sustainable water to hatch 1000000's of native fish every year. Some of the activities we participated in were - mystery boxes (to determine the property of water), mock ice fishing (to learn about some of the different species of fish in Alberta), experimenting with different materials to test water filters, touring the aquariums and displays, touring the fish hatchery and feeding the fish, and our day finished with a nature walk where we used our senses to explore the environment. We were very lucky to be able to visit with white tailed deer that used the water system in the park to live. 

 I can count objects and sort based on an attribute(s). I can identify different colors, shapes and patterns in nature. 
I can identify, appreciate and show reciprocity to the land for the gifts that we collect and use for creative purposes. 

We joined Ms Paradis' class for several afternoons of exploring and learning outside in our beautiful spaces. One day we collected fallen leaves as our materials to count, identify colors, shapes and patterns. and sort based on these attributes.  
Another task was to walk through the upper garden area to collect natural items to help heighten our awareness of the amazing gifts that we sometimes take for granted, to develop a sense of taking only what we need and to bring to a forefront the understanding of reciprocity. This task also allowed us to build on our vocabulary bank of terms that we could use to describe objects and places using our senses. After collecting items we then used them for inspiration to create water color representations. 


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