September 6-9th
Our second week of school together was a fantastic one filled with connection, discovery and smiles!
This week we continued to build on our classroom beliefs and what it takes to be a community and a member of a community. After reading several books and examining real life scenarios we developed an understanding of what Respect looks like and sounds like in our learning environment.
Phonics is a part of our literacy program with emphasis on building letter and sound awareness as well as how to properly form the letters when printing. This week group A focussed on the letters s/a/t/ and by the end of the week were reading short words in the -at family such as at, sat. Group B's focus was on diagraphs at the beginning and end of words - ng/th/sh.
In math, Grade 1's began our focus on number with building their awareness of ways to represent numbers.
Here is an example of ways we can represent numbers:
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