September 6-9th

Our second week of school together was a fantastic one filled with connection, discovery and smiles!

This week we continued to build on our classroom beliefs and what it takes to be a community and a member of a community. After reading several books and examining real life scenarios we developed an understanding of what Respect looks like and sounds like in our learning environment. 

Phonics is a part of our literacy program with emphasis on building letter and sound awareness as well as how to properly form the letters when printing. This week group A focussed on the letters s/a/t/ and by the end of the week were reading short words in the -at family such as at, sat. Group B's focus was on diagraphs at the beginning and end of words  - ng/th/sh.

In math,  Grade 1's began our focus on number with  building their awareness of ways to represent numbers. 

Here is an example of ways we can represent numbers:

Grade 2 students dove into numbers through review of Friends of 10 - numbers that add together to equal 10. 

We ended our week with a meet and greet with our grade 5/6 buddies! We have been working on introductions and enjoyed putting these skills to work and meeting new friends! Students from both classes enjoyed making connections with other students at Ramsay as well as reading together. 

Building relationships through cooperative play - 

Art - I can create my name using different materials:


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