September 12 -16th
This was our first whole week together and I am very proud of everyone for their willingness to do their best, be kind and gentle to themselves and others and persevere through the longer days. You are all doing great friends!
Here is an overview of our busy week!
This week we continued to work together as a classroom family to build our community norms and expectations and beliefs. We've been looking at this through the lens of the Medicine Wheel and how we can achieve and maintain balance through our mind, spirit, body and heart. This important work will be a part of our holistic lifelong learning frame work which centers on wellbeing and mindfulness focus as we continue through the year.
I Can Understand the Relationship Between Letters (graphemes) and Sound (phonemes):
As stated in the last blog - part of our literacy program is our work in phonics and understanding how letters can represent different sounds. This week -group A students worked with the letters I, M and P. We will continue to work on building this knowledge of individual letter sounds over the next few months.
Group B students have been reviewing some letter pairs that work together to produce one sound (digraphs). This week they have worked on th, ck and wh. Next week we will be moving into long vowel patterns.
I Can Explain What Primary and Secondary Colours Are:
in science we examined primary colors and how you use them to create secondary colors through a mixing paint activity.
*September 29 – Orange Shirt Day
*September 30 – National Day of Truth and Reconciliation – No School
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