June 13 - 17th
Wow! June is flying by! We were very fortunate to have an educator from gogreen and CPAWs visit us on Monday for an in school field trip. We learned about citizen science and how we can make scientific observations in the nature world and submit these to assist the work of professional scientists. Our program also centered on birds in our community of Calgary/Alberta and how we can strengthen our scientific literacy and observation skills and lead to an increase in environmental stewardship.
We also were able to rent their kit (as well as one from the City of Calgary Parks and Rec) for the week and explore the different activities, artifacts and lessons that they had put together both inside and outside. The kits allowed us to get a first hand look at different animals and birds that call our community home and allowed us to work to deepen our observation and documentation skills. While out on our walks this week, students were more mindful of this deepened scientific literacy and were more observant of the creatures we encountered out in the neighborhood.
Here are some photos of our adventures:
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