Feb 28 - March 4th 

I can use a variety of comprehension strategies to build meaning and understanding of text. 

Over the last two weeks we have been concentrating on the reciprocal reading strategy summarizing. We have been using the below graphic as a tool to assist us in developing strong summaries of oral stories. 

This week we read the story Rainbow Fish, by Marcus Pfister and then students represented their understanding of the story summary in a graphic organizer. Our focus was to include relevant character traits of the main character and to provide only the most important events/details in sequential order. Students were given the opportunity to write and orally explain their ideas. 

This week we also focussed on red words (heart/sight words) really taking a close look at why these words are red words as they
do not follow the phonemic rules . Students are working on learning these red words in our daily literacy work. 

This week we were also very fortunate to have a virtual presentation with Carol Engstrom -biologist on the topic of Bats. This presentation was a provocation for our science unit, Needs of plants/animals. This presentation was an engaging educational, fun learning experience for all. Thank you to Carol Engstrom for providing this experience for us!

This week in math for my group - we continued to use the number line to assist us with developing a deep understanding of the operation of subtraction. Students used beaded number lines to represent subtraction equations and find the difference. We also played several games to help solidify their understanding of addition by using the strategies of counting on as well as to become more fluent with addition facts. 

This week in Ms. Yasin’s math group, students continued to practice adding and subtracting multiples of 10 from any number less than 100. Students practiced this strategy with and without a hundreds chart, and in sequences! The group also began learning about friendly numbers (multiples of 10 that are easy to add), and practiced creating friendly numbers in equations! Base 10 block manipulatives were very helpful to

use to visualize this strategy!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow! I'm so impressed by all of the amazing learning happening in Room 9. I loved learning all about your reading strategies last week. Thank you for sharing with us Ms. Rowland.


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