
Showing posts from March, 2022
March 14 -18th  We have had another amazing   week together! Here is a look at what we have been up to -  I can explore how geography, language and culture help make a Canadian communities unique. Over the last couple weeks we have been exploring the Arctic, Nunavut and Iqaluit, We have been examining all the unique features from the landscape and geography, homes and building, transportation, animals, language and culture. We have been enjoying reading books, watching videos and exploring media to learn more about this unique community.  Students have been having fun listening to and learning the beautiful language of inuktitut. I promised them i would share a website here that we have been enjoying. It is called Anaana's Tent : I ca n use a variety of materials to build. I can design and construct.  Students were challenged to work together as a team to build a leprechaun trap using simple materials, with a time limit. We had ...
March 7-10th I can understand the basic rules of games and play fair.  I can show manners and fair play.  This week we were very fortunate to be able to learn and play the game gaga ball. Students were very enthusiastic to learn the rules from a video provided by our student council, and then play. Over the week, students learned strategies and ways to be successful while playing fair and cooperating with each other. Gaga ball is a fun way to get our bodies moving! Thank you to our student council for their work in bringing this fun game to Ramsay!  I can speak clearly using complete sentences.  This week our class were interviewed by student reporters from grade 5 and 6 on Valentine's Day and 100th day of school. This was an excellent experience for our students to provide thoughtful answers to questions using complete sentences and also to make connections with older students in our school.  I can understand and apply strategies for addition and subtraction f...
  Feb 28 - March 4th  I can use a variety of comprehension strategies to build meaning and understanding of text.  Over the last two weeks we have been concentrating on the reciprocal reading strategy summarizing. We have been using the below graphic as a tool to assist us in developing strong summaries of oral stories.  This week we read the story Rainbow Fish, by Marcus Pfister and then students represented their understanding of the story summary in a graphic organizer. Our focus was to include relevant character traits of the main character and to provide only the most important events/details in sequential order. Students were given the opportunity to write and orally explain their ideas.  This week we also focussed on red words (heart/sight words) really taking a close look at why these words are red words as they do not follow the phonemic rules . Students are working on learning these red words in our daily literacy work.    This week we were...