October 4-7th

I can show respect and kindness to others. I can show care for myself and my learning. I can share personal reflections. I can demonstrate  and recognize healthy interactions and be mindful. 

This week we focused on the term Gratitude - what it meant to us, how we can can recognize it, how we feel when we feel grateful, ways to show gratitude and those people/things/places/experiences we were grateful for. We read a number of wonderful books as springboards to our discussions. These books included, Tiny Perfect things by M.H Clark, Thankful by Elaine Vickers and the Grateful Book by Angela Kohler. As we read through these books we began to wonder how we could show gratitude for all that the Earth had been providing us in regards to the collections of fall evidence that we had been collecting and documenting. We learned that the Indigenous ways of showing gratitude include only taking what we need and always honoring mother earth for what it has provided for us. Next steps included creating nature pendants as a way to show our gratitude and then we did some reflective writing around the sentence starter - "I am grateful for..."

Literacy: We continued on letter review. This week we added in the letters Rr and Mm. We also started using all the letters we have covered to "make words" and apply our phonemic awareness to our own writing. 

Math: Our focus has been to continue building on how to represent numbers (numeral, word, set, ten frames, number line) as well as to apply what we know about patterns to build and analyze patterns in our own world. 

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope you have a wonderful long weekend.  


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