September 20 - 23rd i can tell about the seasons. I can use my senses to draw and write about the world around me. I can identify the geographical features of my community as well as identify the animals, plants and buildings/businesses in my community. This week the focus of our community walk was to immerse ourselves in the changes the land was experiencing on the first day of Fall - O'Ko. We were delighted to experience not only the beauty of the changing seasons but also were treated to witness some of the animals/birds/insects that live here in Ramsay, a garden full of seasonal plants and veggies, the different geographical features surrounding Ramsay and Calgary and the architectural features of the area. We also spent time being mindful of our surroundings and took time to use our sense to experience. Students were excited to collect and view "Evidence" from the land which led to many wonderings, questions, affirmations and stories which we will continue to pursue...