January 23-27th It was another awesome week in room 9! We were busy with projects, learning and fun! Here is a look at our week - I Can Develop Listening Skills / I Can Sequence Main Ideas in a Story This week students started listening to me read the short novel, Our Friend Hedgehog, This short novel is a great way to help students develop their listening and comprehension skills. As we are reading each chapter, we stop, talk about, and draw key moments. Using longer texts is also a great way to help students develop their prediction and summarizing skills over the course of a longer narrative. Here are a few of the discussions questions we have explored as we have been reading - Discussion Questions Why do you think that Hedgehog lived on an island with only Mutty as a friend? Do you think the illustrations helped or hurt the telling of the story? Explain your answer. Have you ever lost a friend? How did it make you feel? Hedgehog...
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January 16 - 20th This was a busy week fiilled with finishing up projects, continuing on with new learning tasks . Here is a glimpse of some of our week - I can decompose numbers into groups of 100s, 10s and 1s in a variety of ways using base ten blocks, pictures and symbols when working through independent tasks. I can create works of art using base 10 blocks and determine the number value of the picture. This week we continued our look at numbers to 100 (grade 1) and numbers to 1000 (grade 2). Grade 1's spent time representing numbers and determining the value of the digits in their numbers. Grade 2's spent time finding numbers around the room, reading them and writing them in numerical form. They then spent time arranging the numbers in numerical order. The next challenge was to create a base 10 person animal or vehicle. Students built the subject of their art from base 10 blocks and then added their artistic touches to their designs. Their last step was to de...
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January 9-13th Welcome back, hope everyone had a wonderful break. We Had a wonderful week back together, reconnecting and sharing stories and adventures from our break. Here is a glimpse at our week together - Literacy: Grade 1 reviewed words with four letters such as CVCC or CCVC words (last, fast, trap, flip) through different tasks such as building words, writing words in sentences and reading passages. We also introduced the diagraph /sh/ and examined how it is found in the beginning, middle and end of words (shop, dishes, fish). A diagrph is a when two consecutive letters work together to make one sound. Grade 2 also reviewed phonic skills that they worked on prior to the break and were introduced to the diagraph /ph/ - phone, graph. We continued to build on our writing skills through narrative writing. Students wrote in their journals using the following sentence starters - Over the winter break I . . . My fa...