February 21 - 24th This week was chilly and forced us to be indoors however we had an awesome week together. Here is a look at our week: Math - This week we centered on addition using the strategy of adding on. To count on, students need to identify the largest number in the equation and count on from it. This means they need to understand the communicative property (turnarounds or flip-flop facts). Students must understand that 1 + 5 = 5 + 1. Students practiced this strategy using a beaded number line. This allowed them the opportunity to count out the number of beads for each number in an addition equation and then identify the larger number and count on to find the sum. Literacy - This week our phonics focus was on the FLSZ Rule which states that when a one-syllable word has a short vowel sound and ends in one of those four consonant sounds, the final consonant is usually doubled (eg buzz, boss, will, off). We also worked on the ...